Thursday, March 03, 2005

Kinds of people you meet in an Organiztion

From the recent training that we gave at Denver last week.

Oppressor : My focus is on ensuring obedience. I am anxious to achieve targets. I believe in strictly following procedures.
I stake my loyalty to the system

Spectator :I am located inside the system but am untouched by it.
I offer no action : I stake nothing

Follower : I see the gap between the ideal and the real, feel moved to act, but, feel inadequate to take any responsibility for the action. I will go along with any action suggested by persons taking charge of the situation.
I offer my energy and resources and stake my faith in the system

Clerk : I keep track of events in a routine way. I withhold all my capabilities. I have no dreams. I take no initiatives.
I am a faithful automaton, I stake nothing

Victim : I wish to belong to the system but am forced to give up parts of myself in order to belong to the system. I am always at the receiving end.
I stake my pride.

Controller : I use authority and power vested by the given structure to command and ensure compliance. I cherish efficiency but do not create space for initiative, dissent or innovation.
I stake my vulnerability/ usefulness

Soldier : I act on the givens and precedents. I limit myself to the boundaries of tasks as defined by others. I am dedicated to the one who instructs.
I stake my loyalty and efficiency to the system

Rebel : I feel strongly for the system. I wish to belong but am not willing to accept rigidity. I become reactive to authority in this process.
I stake my continuity in the system

Trader: I am committed to my needs, aware of my capabilities and I negotiate the best possible price for it.
I stake my worth.

Individual Performer : My focus is on the excellence of my performance. Others are contributors to my performance.
I stake my reputation

Team Captain : I uphold the values and purpose of the system; I manage boundaries, nourish people in my team, solve problems and discover the best fit between constraints and opportunities.
I stake my career and my future in the system

Craftsperson : My focus is in work quality. I learn constantly and improve my capabilities.
I stake my self worth

Team Player : I understand the interdependence of my/other’s decisions/actions vis-a-vis goals of the system. I address the needs of the self AND the system in simultaneity.
I stake my faith in the mutuality of the system

Coach : I am committed to nurture others. I am focussed on helping others discover their potential. I offer my experience and insight.
I stake my trust in the commitment of others to excel

Hunter : I scan for opportunity, I am focused on action. I can assert myself and pursue targets energetically
I stake my capacities and competitiveness to the system

Leader : I am committed to expanding the frontiers of the system, help others discover their potentials and nurture them. I offer my experience and insight.
I stake my trust in others and future resource base of the system

Explorer : I have the passion for discovery - I walk into unknown and actively look for opportunities. I am committed to expanding the frontiers of the system.
I stake my life and future resource base of the system

Gardener: I have great sense of ownership of the system. I am committed to create fertile ground in which potentials of the system can be realised.
I stake my faith in the system and its response capability

Visionary : I have an acute perception of reality. I am committed to take the system into the future. I shape investments of the system and envision its form.
I simultaneously stake my insight and the future of the system

Healer : I have a deep empathy and sensitivity to people. I am committed to enabling each individual in the system to realize his / her potential.
I stake my faith in human potential


At 12:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting. The only issue I see with such degree of differenciation and characterization is that most people will fall under several of these categories in different instances. I myself can be both a leader, a team captain, or a some other category virtually at the same time.

Nevertheless, it's good to be aware of people's differences in attitude and skill since otherwise it's almost impossible to understand their performance and their actions (or lack thereoff).

BTW, organizational behavior was a subject I wished I had studied much earlier in my life. I came to study it as part of a MS-Management program, after having been a manager for several years. Trust me, my job would have been much easier should I have known some of the OB basic concepts BEFORE becoming a manager.

Enjoy your course and also good luck in your future MBA.


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