Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Angry Men?

They showed 2 movies in the training session that I attended last week at Chicago.

Bill Murray starring Groundhogs Day and Henry Fonda's 12 angry men.I liked both of them.

12 angry men is one of my favorites.The first time I saw the movie, I was so mesmerized by it that I ordered a DVD at amazon soon after reaching home.
I have seen the movie atleast 5-6 times tillnow.:)

Anyway, never knew that the training folks had something else in mind. 15 days before the training,we were asked to fill a set of questions.(around 400 in total). Then we were asked to see a picture and write a story about it.On the day they showed the movie,they told us that based on our behaviour and answers, they could identify our personality with one of the 12 angry men.

I was told that I have a "strong" resemblance in personality to Character #11-The immigrant who was a watch maker.
Well, do I believe them?
They sounded convincing. One was a IIM Ahmedabad grad and the other was IIT bond.
Both of them left their high flying career to study behavioural science.
I always feel that ppl who follow their dreams speak the truth.
Wasn't it mentioned in the Alchemist that
'Listen to your heart. It knows all things, because it came from the Soul of the World and it will one day return there'

Anyway,a few traits of mine that they spoke about:
- Strong on values and integrity.
- Have a difficulty saying no to ppl/
- Can make a difference but won't do unless given a chance or situation demands it.
- Excellent Implemetor.
- Wants to be a "good boy".Does not want to take firm decisions till the nth hour so that nobody is hurt.

They said that I had to work on the last part more if I have to rise up the corporate ladder.

Okie..Feedback taken.

Just in case you were wondering who character #11 is,here are a few pics. Do watch the movie.

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Free Image Hosting at

To sum up what happened in training

It was realized that all Learning happens :
-Between Questions and Answers
-Through a narrative
-When you are Non Judgemental
-Offer and receive gifts of life.

In every task you do, ask yourself the question:

In doing what Iam doing,
What am I really doing.

And to resolve every problem,use the approach:

How am I part of this problem and
How can I be part of the soultion.


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