Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Reco Letters

This guy made it to ISB..His views on whether a reco letter on the letterpad is the right thing or not.

Options in decreasing order of preference:
1. Company letterhead
2. Attaching business card
3. On simple plain paper without a business card

While even (3) is acceptable, try to go for (1) or (2). One of my recommender was reluctant in using the letterhead. I requested him to attach his business card.

I actually told my evaluators; who are all working in the same company as I am in; the following -
1. Do not use the company letterhead for this evaluation
2. Sign on each and every page of the evaluation, including the seal of the envelope
3. Put your official contact info - email-id, phone, address on the evaluation
4. Expect to be contacted by the Ad-Comm

On the cover-letter of my application, I mentioned the same and told the Ad-Comm that if they feel it necessary, they are free to contact the Evaluators. Additionally, I also happened to be talking to one of the Ad-Comm in person, and they validated that this is not an issue at all.

Other tips I can give you are:
1. Essays are usually required as double spaced, but in Word you can set the spacing as 1.9, 1.8 etc. It looks just the same as double spaced, but gives you atleast an extra line or two.

2. Margins are not specified, so I reduce them to about 1 inch on all sides, which still looks good and the essay fits in one page with space to spare.


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